Tips, advice and info about investing and living in Mauritius

Total post: 12
The Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, has announced a nationwide lockdown from Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 06H00 (GMT+4) to Thursday 25 March 2021.   This is to curb the resurgence of domestic Covid-19 cases. (Mauritius recor …
March 2021
We’ve put together a list of the best places to eat in the Grand Baie area, as recommended by locals. 1. The recently opened 2Beach Club boasts a range of unparalleled benefits for 2Futures homeowners, their guests and day visitors who will be m …
March 2021
The number of folks moving to Mauritius from South Africa has been on the rise for years. And by recent indications, this trend can even gain further momentum. South Africans now have more windows to pinpoint opportunities to work and live or inve …
March 2021
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