Tips, advice and info about investing and living in Mauritius

Total post: 12
If you want to buy a home in Mauritius, it’s of course basic to first seriously weigh the price of the property. The pencil-pushing would also typically weave around securing a mortgage based on your income or capacity to pay the loan. As you go …
August 2020
The geographical proximity of Mauritius to South Africa helped brought some 14,000 Mauritian diaspora to South Africa. Their migration mainly occurred in the late 1960s and the 1980s. Those times was when  Mauritius was taking its baby steps towards …
July 2020
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) look as  fertile grounds for Mauritian expats coming home. The Mauritian government, after all, has set up sound mechanisms for SMEs helpful to the Mauritian diaspora's homecoming. Enterprising migrants plottin …
July 2020
For many years now,  Canada has been host to one of the largest number of Mauritian migrants across the globe.  In those years, the vast majority of the Mauritian diaspora in Canada have developed the right skills and accumulated assets also valuab …
July 2020
Mauritius has installed various mechanisms to enable its migrant workers to ably compete in international labour markets. Because of these platforms, Mauritian diaspora has gained much success in various fields and country-locations overseas. The …
July 2020
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