2Futures flexes competencies in apex home builds

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Serenity Villas Mauritius

If you’re buying a property in Mauritius as a foreigner, 2Futures has a top-of-the-line build certainly worth the pick. Since its creation in 2007, 2Futures has developed strong core competencies to deliver home construction apex in quality.

Because of this, 2Futures has attracted over 500 clients from 16 different countries. Out of the developer’s total clientele including Mauritian homebuyers, about one-third are notably repeat customers. As of 2020, 2Futures has completed 12 projects and delivered a total of 552 units to satisfied investors and homebuyers. Eight other developments in Grand Baie, Pereybere, and Grand Gaube are also underway as of 2020.


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Behind these robust developments and their growing patronage are the following 2Futures core competencies:

Global customer orientation

The founders of 2Futures  combine over 50 years of industry experience, thus providing impetus to this developer’s solid customer orientation. Significantly, this experience in delivering full customer satisfaction has been derived internationally. 2Futures’ founders have notably earned their spurs not only in Mauritius but also in South Africa, Zanzibar, and Tanzania. The same level of global customer orientation and exposure could be seen in 2Futures’ team of professionals in various fields of expertise.

Land acquisition and development

The various fields of specialisations of its team have moulded 2Futures into a one-stop-shop luxury property developer. It has the in-house expertise to spot market potentials, expedite site procurement and zoning approval, and undertake feasibility studies.  Here, 2Futures also flexes its capability to deliver full-service project management including site construction.


2Futures' track record as of 2020
At a glance: 2Futures’ track record as of 2020


Extensive industry networking

2Futures demonstrates strength in the extensive network it has established in the government and industry verticals of real estate. Through this network, 2Futures has partnered with top architects, designers, engineers, and contractors. Such linkages enable not only the delivery of well-designed and well-built upscale residences.

If you’re buying a property in Mauritius as a foreigner, 2Futures’ legal and finance team also has a helpful network. You can get expert advice on the right choice of investment scheme and financing package. Post-delivery of your unit, you can likewise bank on 2Futures’ logistics contacts when relocating to the island.

Sharp sales and marketing

2Futures has mastered the various needs of the real estate market and its ever-changing wants and needs. Its sales and marketing pros provide counsel on property choices best suited for specific lifestyles and investment objectives. They unveil to buyers the particular merits of a product mix of villas, apartments, penthouses in the 2Futures property lineup. With these experts, you’d gain deep insights on beach properties like Casa Alegria, as well as rental investment possibilities in Ki Resort.

Corporate social responsibility

Buying a property in Mauritius as a foreigner allows you peace of mind going with 2Futures. It establishes and maintains rapport with the communities surrounding its projects not only in compliance with government regulations. Even deeper, it also exercises corporate social responsibility so that its developments are in harmony with their respective localities. In the end, this helps deliver full satisfaction to the 2Futures customers.


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