Tips, advice and info about investing and living in Mauritius

Total post: 12
The stress of moving is well documented. Whether it’s a local move, or to another city, province, or country, psychologists say that leaving the centre of your existence at any time can instil panic. Moving is emotional. There is attachment to h …
November 2020
Attracting foreign capital has always been a major focus in the economic development strategies of many countries including Mauritius. To lure investors from overseas, the country offers various incentives, such as tax breaks on foreign investment op …
November 2020
We are pleased to announce that Kevin Manning is the winner of the 2Futures lucky draw for a weekend stay at Manta Cove, the most prestigious beachfront property in Tamarin, Mauritius. This amazing prize will give him the chance to experience why …
October 2020
Northfields International School hosted its largest charity fundraiser event at Mont Choisy Le Golf in the north of Mauritius on October 24, 2020. The 2Futures team was among the 150+ guests who showed their support to the 12 four-balls, who were …
October 2020
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