Tips, advice and info about investing and living in Mauritius

Total post: 12
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has removed Mauritius from its list of ‘Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring’ during the fifth Plenary of the FATF which took place on 19-21 October. This comes after an on-site visit conducted by the …
October 2021
All Saints’ Day on November 1 is a public holiday in Mauritius. It is one of no less than 15 public holidays authorised by the island government to accommodate the multi-religious population. In the beginning, when the Roman Empire persecuted C …
October 2021
Monday, October 24, 2022 is Diwali in Mauritius. Diwali is a public holiday on the island. It marks the end of a five-day celebration, aligning with the new moon (therefore the darkest night) according to the Hindu calendar. Mauritius has the thir …
October 2021
As of 01 October 2021, Mauritius will be fully open for all travellers. The authorities have laid out several protocols for a safe stay that you can find below. Entry requirements All visitors To land in Mauritius, you will need a negative PCR te …
September 2021
Travel Ban Lifted The 18-month travel ban imposed on South Africa by Mauritius has been lifted as of 10 September 2021. Great news: Travellers from South Africa will no longer have to spend fifteen days outside the country before getting to Mauri …
September 2021
Tax by country is a hot topic among those in the know when they talk about the advantages of moving to Mauritius. Both individual and corporate tax rates in Mauritius compare favourably, and are a major motivator, particularly for South Africans look …
September 2021
Need a helping hand when you’re planning to relocate to Mauritius? Bolt Home Mauritius does just that, while 2Futures helps you find the island home of your dreams. As idyllic as the end goal is there are still hoops to jump through to meet the …
September 2021
If you’re in Mauritius on September 11, 2021, you’ll be able to watch or participate in Ganesh Chaturthi. This is one of the island’s most important events in terms of its cultural and religious landscape. The festival celebrates the birth of G …
August 2021
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